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about the project:

How to play "freeze"?

In improvisation often we should interpret the situations fast and generating ideas and stories. 


You will see a photo with some charecters.  You should imagine what is happening what is the story behind this photo. You should answer on 3 simple questions, which helps you to understand what are you trying to achieve in the situation.

  - Who or what are the people on the photo? - humans, animals, objects, relation between them , anything which is generated from your imagination;

- What are they doing? What are they trying to achieve? What is their target?

- What problem do they have? - usually to create  story we need resolve a problem.  


What is "freeze" project ?

In order to develop better impro skills we are developing a methodology helping people to develop their impro skills and creativity by making fun and playing games.

As part of this program our first project is "Freeze". A game similar to one of the impro training games which are performed on stage.


About us

We are an profesional and entusiastic international people playing, watching and interested in improvisational theater. Our community is growing faster and now there are about 2 million peoples which are intersted in impro.

Created in 2005. We have more than 10 years of experience.


In order to develop better impro skills we are developing a methodology helping people to develop their impro skills and creativity by making fun and playing games.

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